Lakes, good for birding!
Twin Lakes: Lakes Burera and Ruhondo, close to the gorilla-tracking center of Musanze, are often neglected gems.
People living around Rwanda's many lakes try to make a living out of what these lakes have to offer. Amahoro Tours co-operates with a group of local people who use traditional fishing methods at the twin lakes Burera and Ruhondo. The work is carried out either from the lake shore or from se lf-made traditional canoes that consist of a single piece of wood.
Visit an island, where you will get a boat or dugout canoe ride to the respective island in lakes Ruhondo and Burera. Enjoy the nice scenery and excellent birding opportunities. Bring a packed lunch and have a picnic on the island . Discover nature in traditional canoes, enjoy
Lake Karago:
A beautiful lake located between Rubavu and Musanze districts.
Lake Nyarakigugu : A magnificent lake with good fishing and birding opportunities.
The Rugezi Swamp is a drowned valley composed of old metamorphic rocks and forms a part of the Buberuka Highlands.
This rounded hill Swamp has been recognized as one of Rwanda's IBA's (Important Birding Area). The other IBA in the area is the Volcanoes National Park.
The swamp is home to a number of sought after birds, one of these being Grauer's Swamp-warbler who has taken nest here.
Buhanga Eco-Park is a small patch of forest 8km outside Musanze offering nature walks, picnics and camping facilities. The forest is dominated by magnificent dragon trees and is home to a number of exquisite birds.